Data Tables

Item List Table

The item list data table is also writte as a CSV file to the subject specific directory. The semantics of the columns is explained below:

Unique identification number of the item list
Name of the item list (extracted from the filename)
Number of items in the item list
Number of items in this list that have been discarded after the first rating

Item Table

The item data table is also writte as a CSV file to the subject specific directory. The semantics of the columns is explained below:

Unique identification number of the item
Task text
Identification number of the list the item belongs to
-1: Item was discarded after the first rating 1: Item was presented in the first report block 2: Item was presented in the second report block
Rating value acquired in phase 1
Rating value aqcuried in pahse 4
Number of self-choice trial in which the item was presented (trial numbers start with 1)
Number of assignment trial in which the item was presented (trial numbers start with 1)
Position in which the item was presented in the self-choice trial (1:left, 2:middle, 3:right)
Position in which the item was presented in the assignment trial (1:left, 2:middle, 3:right)
Number of self-choice trial in which the item was chosen (0 if item was never chosen)
Number of assignment trial in which the item was assigned (0 if the item was never assigned)
0: time limit in report block 1 exceeded <0: -1 * number of the trial in report block 1 in which the item was reported as self chosen >0: number of the trial in report block 1 in which the item was reported as not self chosen
0: time limit in report block 1 exceeded <0: -1 * number of the trial in report block 1 in which the item was reported as assigned >0: number of the trial in report block 1 in which the item was reported as not assigned
0: time limit in report block 2 exceeded <0: -1 * number of the trial in report block 2 in which the item was reported as self chosen >0: number of the trial in report block 2 in which the item was reported as not self chosen
0: time limit in report block 2 exceeded <0: -1 * number of the trial in report block 2 in which the item was reported as assigned >0: number of the trial in report block 2 in which the item was reported as not assigned